How to Attract and Convert Your Client Base as a League of Legends Coach

League of legends Coach talking with one of the players

Are you looking for ways to build your client base as a League of Legends coach? If so, you're in the right place! In this blog post, we will discuss how to market your coaching services and attract new clients. We'll also provide tips for building a successful business as a coach. Thanks for reading!

As a League of Legends coach, it is important to build your client base in order to keep your calendar optimized and make money. One of the best ways to do this is through social media – be sure to post regularly on Twitch, Twitter, Instagram, or even TikTok to let your existing and potential clients know about your coaching services. We will go into detail below.

The best way to fill your client base with high-retention clients as a coach is by being known-well

We have seen a lot of coaches trying to stand out from the crowd and we believe strongly in the following. It is better to be known well than well-known. What does that mean?

A 'well-known' person might be known by a lot of people, but they only know that person superficial.

A 'known-well' person is a person that people have a lot of information on and can better judge if they like them or not.

A great way to do so is by creating a content library of your greatest hits. What we mean by this is offering free content on social media, so that potential clients can discover you and get to know you better.

Aren't you more willing to give your money to a person you feel like you already know and have seen their work? Well, I definitely am like this.

Additionally, you will have less churn after their first coaching session with you. Churn means when people stop using your service.

1. Streaming your coaching session is a way to acquire new users as well as offer interesting content


You are already streaming, so why not use your stream to coach? This way you offer your followers an interesting angle, as well as some of them, might even convert and become a client. They are already watching your stream so they already like you.

If you don't have any followers yet or haven't streamed yet, it is still recommendable to stream the session and they save it in your profile. This way you can use these recorded sessions to convince still doubting clients who are looking through the sea of coaches. You can link to your streams in your coaching profile on League of legends coaching websites. If you want to read more about the best coaching website take a look here.

2. Youtube is the backbone of your content library and client attraction

As mentioned above we believe that creating a content library of your coaching session is quite important. This way potential coaching clients will get to know you better and see if the could see you as their coach. It is a great way to get over their last-minute resistance before hiring you as their League of Legends coach.

A good strategy is streaming it on Twitch and then upload it on Youtube. This also makes it easier to explain to your client why you are recording the session. We recommend to put it on your profile that you are streaming your coaching session. This way clients know it right from the start.


We at Gazoom believe that content creation is KING to attract and convert coaching clients. In the end people want to relate to their coach. It is like any other product or service that you want to purchase. First thing what I at least do is going on youtube and watch reviews and a lot of videos of that product/service. If I still like it I will give it a try. The same goes for your coaching service. In the end the more content you have out there about yourself and your coaching service, the easier it is to attract and convert people.

Clip, edit & share your gaming highlights! Improve one clip at a time!