CS2 - The Best Dust 2 Smokes in 2023 - the ultimate guide!

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Beat your enemies on Dust 2 with Gazoom's Counter Strike 2 mapping tool, which gives you access to all Dust 2 Smokes for the new Counter Strike 2. No more guessing - we have all your Dust 2 smokes ready to go! Or take a look at a few Dust 2 smokes below and discover the best ones in 2023. Either way, you'll be able to enjoy victory after victory!

Dust 2 - Upper Tunnel Exit Smoke

Dust 2 - Upper Tunnel Exit Smoke

This smoke is used to block the line of sight from players holding positions outside of the B tunnels. It is typically thrown at the exit of the upper tunnels, allowing terrorists to push out more safely into the B site or gain control of the B tunnels area.

Dust 2 - Upper Tunnel - Right Side Close Smoke

Dust 2 - Upper Tunnel - Right Side Close Smoke

Thrown from inside the upper tunnels, this smoke lands close to the right side as you exit. It helps terrorists isolate and engage opponents playing close on the right, like at car or the close right corner, while minimizing exposure to other angles.

Dust 2 - Upper Tunnel - B Plat Smoke

Dust 2 - Upper Tunnel - B Plat Smoke

This smoke is deployed from the upper tunnels to the B platform (plat). It obscures vision for players on the platform, making it easier for terrorists to enter the B site. The smoke helps in isolating defenders and securing the site during an execute.

Dust 2 - Upper Tunnel - B Plat Smoke

Dust 2 - Upper Tunnel - B Plat Smoke

(Duplicate) This smoke is deployed from the upper tunnels to the B platform (plat). It provides cover for terrorists pushing into the B site, making it difficult for defenders on the platform to spot or engage them effectively.

Dust 2 - Upper Tunnel - B Doors Smoke

Dust 2 - Upper Tunnel - B Doors Smoke

Thrown from the upper tunnels, this smoke lands at the B doors, blocking vision from mid and CT spawn. It allows terrorists to focus on clearing the site and platform without worrying about being shot from the doors or window.

Dust 2 - Mid - Left Side CT Mid Smoke

This smoke is used to block vision from the left side of mid from the CT perspective. It allows terrorists to move up mid more safely, as it obscures the vision of CT players holding from the left side, like those playing from CT spawn or elevator.

Dust 2 - Mid Doors - CT Spawn Boost Smoke

Thrown at mid doors, this smoke allows for a boost to see over it into CT spawn. It’s useful for terrorists to pick off CT players rotating through spawn or to gain information on CT movements without being easily seen.

Dust 2 - X Box - Middle CT Spawn Smoke

Dust 2 - X Box - Middle CT Spawn Smoke

This smoke is thrown from X Box to the middle of CT spawn. It blocks vision from CT spawn towards mid, allowing terrorists to cross or control mid without being seen from CT spawn, facilitating strategies that require mid control.

Dust 2 - Lower Tunnel - X Box Smoke

Deployed from lower tunnels, this smoke lands on X Box in mid. It provides cover for terrorists looking to move up mid, blocking vision from CTs holding from short A or window, and allowing safer passage towards short or mid to B.

Dust 2 - T Spawn - X Box Smoke

Dust 2 - T Spawn - X Box Smoke

Thrown from T spawn, this smoke lands on the X Box in mid. It is often used early in rounds to quickly gain mid control, as it blocks vision from CTs playing mid, allowing terrorists to move up to X Box and short without being seen from mid or CT spawn.

Ultimate CS2 Dust 2 smokes 

If you want to learn the latest Dust 2 smokes, try out this Counter Strike 2 lineup tool.

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