CS2 - The Best Inferno Smokes in 2023 - the ultimate guide!

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Beat your enemies on Inferno with Gazoom's Counter Strike 2 mapping tool, which gives you access to all Inferno Smokes for the new Counter Strike 2. No more guessing - we have all your Inferno smokes ready to go! Or take a look at a few Inferno smokes below and discover the best ones in 2023. Either way, you'll be able to enjoy victory after victory!

Inferno - Banana - Coffins (Deep)

This smoke is used to block the vision of players holding from coffins deep into the B site. Players throw this smoke while pushing up Banana, making it harder for defenders at coffins to spot or shoot them as they approach the site.

Inferno - Banana - Coffins (Front)

The front coffins smoke is similar to the deep coffins smoke but lands closer to the front of the coffins. It’s used to isolate players at coffins, forcing them to reposition or play blindly, thus aiding the T-side players in taking control of the B site.

Inferno - Banana - Pool

This smoke is thrown from Banana into the Pool area (also known as First Oranges). It helps in blocking vision from players defending from the back of the site or New Box, allowing T-side players to move closer to the B site with reduced risk.

Inferno - CT Spawn - B Entrance

Thrown from CT Spawn towards the B site entrance, this smoke helps CT-side players retake or defend the B site by limiting the vision and movement of T-side players who are already on the site or in Banana.

Inferno - B Site - Banana Entrance

This defensive smoke is thrown by CT-side players on the B site towards Banana entrance. It’s used to block vision and delay T-side players from advancing into the B site, allowing CTs to hold or retake positions more effectively.

Inferno - CT - Banana Entrance

This smoke is used by CT-side players and is thrown towards the entrance of Banana. It acts as a deterrent for T-side players, blocking their vision and control over Banana, thus slowing down or preventing early aggression or pushes.

Inferno - CT - Banana Entrance

Inferno - CT - Banana Entrance

(Repeated) This smoke is used by CT-side players and is thrown towards the entrance of Banana. It acts as a deterrent for T-side players, blocking their vision and control over Banana, thus slowing down or preventing early aggression or pushes.

Inferno - CT - Half Wall

Thrown from CT towards the Half Wall in Banana, this smoke is used to block vision from T-side players looking to control Banana. It allows CT-side players to play more aggressively in Banana or set up for retakes or defensive plays.

Inferno - Sandbags - Half Wall

This smoke is thrown from the Sandbags position towards the Half Wall in Banana. It’s used to create a visual barrier, allowing players at Sandbags to reposition or engage enemies in Banana with a surprise element.

Inferno - Barrels - CT

Thrown from the Barrels position towards CT, this smoke blocks vision from CT Spawn, making it difficult for CT-side players to spot or engage T-side players as they approach or take control of the B site.

Ultimate CS2 Inferno smokes 

If you want to learn the latest Inferno smokes, try out this Counter Strike 2 lineup tool.

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