League of Legends

In-depth Arkane Vel'Koz Mid Guide (latest patch) - Comet them like it's hot!

Welcome to our Vel'Koz Mid Guide 13.16, where we teach you to laser-focus on victory!

Vel’Koz Mid Summoner Spells:

Vel'Koz Mid Summoner Spells

Flash: Essential for Vel'Koz due to his lack of gap closers and movement-enhancing abilities.

Heal: Optimal for most cases as it provides value in 1v1 and 2v2 duels around mid lane. The bonus movement speed can often save you from taking extra damage.

Alternative to heal

Barrier: (against opponents likely to take Ignite) and Exhaust (against assassins when playing aggressively).

Vel’Koz Mid Runes:

Vel'koz mid RUnes

Primary (Sorcery):

  - Arcane Comet

  - Manaflow Band

  - Transcendence

  - Gathering Storm

Secondary (Inspiration):

  - Magical Footwear

  - Biscuit Delivery

Stat Shards:

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)

+8 Magic Resist

Vel’Koz Mid Starting Items:

Vel'koz mid Starter Items

Doran's Ring, 2x Health Potion

Vel’Koz Mid Core Items:

Vel'Koz Mid COre items

Lost Chapter: A crucial early-game item. It grants ability power, mana, and a passive that restores mana upon leveling up. This ensures Vel'Koz can consistently use his abilities in lane.

Dark Seal: A snowballing item. If you're confident in your play or are getting ahead, this item can amplify your lead. It can be upgraded to Mejai's Soulstealer if you're really dominating.

Luden's Tempest: The mythic item of choice for Vel'Koz. It provides ability power, mana, cooldown reduction, and a passive that deals bonus magic damage. The added movement speed after casting a spell also helps with Vel'Koz's positioning.

Sorcerer's Shoes: Magic penetration to help your abilities hit even harder, especially against opponents who are building magic resist.

Cosmic Drive: Offers ability power, health, and cooldown reduction. Its passive grants bonus movement speed, which is valuable for Vel'Koz's positioning and kiting.

Horizon Focus: Amplifies damage against distant targets or immobilized enemies. Given Vel'Koz's range and crowd control, this item synergizes well with his kit.

Rabadon's Deathcap: A late-game power spike. It significantly boosts your ability power, making all of Vel'Koz's abilities hit like a truck.

Vel’Koz Mid Full Build:

Luden's Tempest: The mythic item of choice for Vel'Koz. It provides ability power, mana, cooldown reduction, and a passive that deals bonus magic damage. The added movement speed after casting a spell also helps with Vel'Koz's positioning.

Mejai's Soulstealer: A snowballing item. If you're confident in your play or are getting ahead, this item can amplify your lead.

Sorcerer's Shoes: Magic penetration to help your abilities hit even harder, especially against opponents who are building magic resist.

Cosmic Drive: Offers ability power, health, and cooldown reduction. Its passive grants bonus movement speed, which is valuable for Vel'Koz's positioning and kiting.

Horizon Focus: Amplifies damage against distant targets or immobilized enemies. Given Vel'Koz's range and crowd control, this item synergizes well with his kit.

Rabadon's Deathcap: A late-game power spike. It significantly boosts your ability power, making all of Vel'Koz's abilities hit like a truck.

Vel’Koz Mid Ability Details & Skill Order:

Vel'Koz Mid Skill ORder

Passive - Organic Deconstruction: Vel'Koz's abilities apply a stack of Deconstruction to enemies hit. Upon reaching 3 stacks, the enemy is deconstructed, taking bonus true damage.

Q - Plasma Fission: Vel'Koz shoots a bolt of energy that splits upon reactivation or upon hitting an enemy, dealing magic damage and slowing.

W - Void Rift: Vel'Koz opens a rift, dealing magic damage. After a delay, it deals additional damage.

E - Tectonic Disruption: Vel'Koz causes an area to explode, knocking up and damaging enemies hit.

R - Life Form Disintegration Ray: Vel'Koz channels a ray of energy that follows the cursor, dealing damage and applying stacks of his passive.

Skill Order: Start with 3 points in Void Rift (W) by level 5 for wave control. Then, max Plasma Fission (Q) for increased slow and burst. Always level up Life Form Disintegration Ray (R) when available. After maxing Q, proceed with maxing W.

Vel’Koz Mid General Playstyle & Gameplay:

Vel’Koz Mid during the Early Game:

Focus on farming and wave management. Use your W to push the wave and Q to poke and zone your opponent. Be wary of ganks as Vel'Koz is immobile.

Vel’Koz Mid in the Mid Game:

Look for opportunities to roam and help other lanes. Use your range and poke to your advantage in skirmishes and teamfights.

Vel’Koz Mid in the Late Game:

Position safely in teamfights, using your abilities to deal damage from afar. Your ultimate can turn the tide of a fight if used correctly.

Vel’Koz Mid during Teamfighting:

Stay in the backline and use your range to poke and deal damage. Look for opportunities to use your ultimate to deal massive damage to multiple enemies. Be wary of assassins and divers.

Vel’Koz Mid around Objectives:

For dragons and barons, use your abilities to zone enemies and deal damage from a distance. Your passive can help deal true damage to these objectives, speeding up the process.

Vel’Koz Mid Matchups: 

Good Matchups: Champions that are immobile and can be easily poked down.

Bad Matchups: Assassins or champions that can easily dive onto Vel'Koz and burst him down.

Additional Advice on how to play Vel’koz Mid:

Positioning is key for Vel'Koz. Always be aware of your surroundings and potential threats. Use your range to your advantage and try to stay safe while dealing as much damage as possible.

Thanks for sticking around for the Vel'Koz Mid Guide 13.16 - may your lasers always be on point!

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