League of Legends

The AP Varus Jungle Guide (latest patch) - One shot AP Jungle Build!

Welcome to our AP Varus Jungle Guide 13.16, where arrows fly, enemies cry, and your teammates... well, they might just ask 'why?

AP Varus Jungle Summoner Spells:

Varus Jungle Summoner Spells

Ghost: Provides mobility to chase down enemies or escape from dangerous situations.

Smite: Essential for jungling. Helps in clearing jungle camps and securing objectives.

AP Varus Jungle Runes:

AP Varus Jungle Runes

Primary Tree - Domination:

- Hail of Blades: Boosts your attack speed temporarily, allowing you to apply your W stacks quickly.

- Taste of Blood: Provides sustain in the jungle.

- Eyeball Collection: Grants bonus AD or AP for champion takedowns.

- Ultimate Hunter: Reduces the cooldown of your ultimate, Chain of Corruption.

Secondary Tree - Sorcery:

- Absolute Focus: Grants bonus AD or AP when above 70% health.

- Gathering Storm: Provides scaling AD or AP as the game progresses.

Stat Shards:

+10% Attack Speed

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)

+6 Armor

AP Varus Jungle Starting Items:

Vs High Mobility:

AP Varus Jungle Starter Item vs Mobility

Scorchclaw Pup, Health Potion, Oracle Lens

Opportunity Maker:

AP Varus Jungle Starter Item Opportunity maker

Gustwalker Hatchling, Health Potion, Oracle Lens

AP Varus Jungle Core Build:

AP VArus COre items

1. Nashor's Tooth: Provides AP, attack speed, and bonus on-hit magic damage.

2. Sorcerer's Shoes: Grants magic penetration.

3. Riftmaker: Boosts your AP and provides omnivamp. Its passive increases your damage over time in extended fights.

AP Varus Jungle Full Build:

AP Varus Full Build

Nashor's Tooth: Provides AP, attack speed, and bonus on-hit magic damage.

Sorcerer's Shoes: Grants magic penetration.

Riftmaker: Boosts your AP and provides omnivamp. Its passive increases your damage over time in extended fights.

Rabadon's Deathcap: Significant AP boost.

Void Staff: For magic penetration.

Shadowflame: Provides AP and magic penetration.

AP Varus Jungle Ability Details & Skill Order:

AP Varus Jungle Skill Order

Living Vengeance (Passive): Grants bonus attack speed on champion takedowns and minion kills.

Piercing Arrow (Q): A chargeable arrow that deals damage based on its charge time.

Blighted Quiver (W): Passive that applies blight stacks on-hit, which can be detonated with other abilities for bonus damage.

Hail of Arrows (E): AOE ability that slows and damages enemies.

Chain of Corruption (R): Ultimate ability that roots the first enemy hit and spreads to nearby enemies.

- Level 1: W

- Level 2: Q

- Level 3: E

- Max Order: W -> Q -> W

- Take a point in your R (ultimate) whenever possible (levels 6, 11, and 16).

AP Varus Jungle General Playstyle & Gameplay:

Varus Jungle Early Game:

Focus on farming and securing scuttle crabs. Look for gank opportunities, especially in lanes where your allies have strong CC.

Varus Jungle Mid Game:

Participate in team fights and skirmishes. Use your ultimate to initiate fights or catch out isolated targets.

Varus Jungle Late Game:

Stay in the backline during team fights. Use your abilities to poke and whittle down the enemy team before engaging.

Varus Jungle in Team Fights:

Use your R to engage or disengage. Stay in the backline and use your Q for poke. Ensure you're applying W stacks and detonating them with your abilities.

Varus Jungle around Objectives:

Use your Q and W to quickly take down dragons and barons. Ensure you have vision control and use your smite to secure objectives.

AP Varus Jungle Matchups:

Bad Matchup:

Master Yi: Extremely dangerous for Varus. He can dodge your abilities and quickly close the gap. Consider banning him.

Good Synergy:

Seraphine: Her ultimate combined with yours can win team fights.

AP Varus Jungle Additional Advice:

- Be wary of champions with gap closers. Champions like Lee Sin, Volibear, and Vi can be particularly challenging.

- Master dodging skill shots. This is crucial for Varus's survival.

- Ignore negative comments from teammates. Believe in your ability to carry the game.

Thanks for sticking with our AP Varus Jungle Guide 13.16 – where we aim to misbehave and never miss!

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