The Best CSGO Anubis Smoke Spots and Molotovs in 2023 - the ultimate guide!

These are the CSGO Anubis smokes that everyone should know in 2023. Learn these smokes and play like a pro!

Have all your CSGO Anubis nades while playing!

Conquer your opponents on Anubis with Gazoom's CSGO map strategy maker tool, which provides you access to the most effective smokes for this map. No more guessing - we have all of Anubis' lineups ready to go! Or take a look at our article and discover the top-rated CSGO smokes on Anubis in 2023. Either way, you'll be able to enjoy victory after victory!

CSGO Anubis strategy maker tool

A-con smoke from dropper

CSGO Anubis - A-con smoke from dropper

The A-con smoke from dropper is a great smoke on Anubis to stop rotations from mid from any defensive CT player positioned in mid.

B-con smoke from long

CSGO Anubis - B-con smoke from long

The B-con smoke from long is a must-know smoke on Anubis for a B-execution.

B-Connector smoke from CT-Spawn

CSGO Anubis - B-Connector smoke from CT-Spawn

The B-con smoke from CT-spawn is an important smoke at the beginning of the round on Anubis in order to stop the advancement of the Ts through top mid towards B-site.

Heaven smoke from boat

CSGO Anubis -  Heaven smoke from boat

The heaven smoke from the boat position on Anubis is a great smoke to take the vision from any potential CT sniper positioned at heaven. This a great smoke for an A-execution.

Plateau entrance smoke from boat

CSGO Anubis - Plateau entrance smoke from boat

The Plateau entrance from boat combined with the heaven smoke is a great combination to take vision and cut of any potential rotation from CT-spawn. This smoke is great for an A-execution. Especially if you already have control over Mid.

T-stairs smoke from plateau

CSGO Anubis - T-stairs smoke from plateau

The T-stairs from plateau is a great smoke from Cts on Anubis to take control of boat. This smoke should be thrown at the beginning of the round.

Top-mid smoke from CT-Spawn

CSGO Anubis - Top-mid smoke from CT-Spawn

The top mid smoke on Anubis is a great smoke if you want to take control over right at the beginning of the round. This can be a great smoke in an Eco-round.

Window smoke from T-Spawn

CSGO Anubis - Window smoke from T-Spawn

The window smoke from T-spawn can be amazing to take control over top mid and slowly get all the other setups ready. If you want see more of them check out our CSGO strategy tool, which already has all the default smokes for Anubis, so you can check them out while being in-game.

A Main Molotov from A connector (jump):

CSGO Anubis - A Main Molotov from A connector
  • Stand in A connector, facing towards the A Main entrance.
  • Aim your crosshair at the top of the arch above A Main entrance.
  • Perform a jump throw (jump and throw the molotov simultaneously).
  • The molotov will land in A Main, denying enemy access or forcing them to move out of position.

Bridge Molotov from B connector (stand):

CSGO Anubis - Bridge Molotov from B connector
  • Stand in B connector, facing towards the Bridge area.
  • Aim your crosshair at the corner where the bridge meets the building.
  • Without moving, throw the molotov.
  • The molotov will land on the Bridge, preventing enemy movement or forcing them out of position.

Plateau Molotov from Boat (jump):

CSGO Anubis - Plateau Molotov from Boat
  • Stand near the Boat in the water, facing towards the Plateau.
  • Aim your crosshair at the corner of the building that overlooks the Plateau.
  • Perform a jump throw.
  • The molotov will land on the Plateau, denying enemy access or forcing them to move out of position.

Pillar Molotov from Catwalk (jump):

CSGO Anubis - Pillar Molotov from Catwalk
  • Stand on the Catwalk, facing towards the Pillar near the B bombsite.
  • Aim your crosshair at the top of the Pillar.
  • Perform a jump throw.
  • The molotov will land on the Pillar, denying enemy cover or forcing them out of position.

T upper Molotov from Double Doors (jump):

CSGO Anubis - T upper Molotov from Double Doors
  • Stand near the Double Doors, facing towards T upper.
  • Aim your crosshair at the top of the archway leading to T upper.
  • Perform a jump throw.
  • The molotov will land in T upper, denying enemy access or forcing them to move out of position.

Double Doors Molotov from Top Mid (stand):

CSGO Anubis - Double Doors Molotov from Top Mid
  • Stand in Top Mid, facing towards Double Doors.
  • Aim your crosshair at the top of the archway above Double Doors.
  • Without moving, throw the molotov.
  • The molotov will land in front of Double Doors, preventing enemy movement or forcing them out of position.

Window Molotov from Top Mid (stand):

CSGO Anubis - Window Molotov from Top Mid
  • Stand in Top Mid, facing towards the Window near the B bombsite.
  • Aim your crosshair at the top right corner of the Window frame.
  • Without moving, throw the molotov.
  • The molotov will land inside the Window, denying enemy access or forcing them to move out of position.

Plateau Molotov from T upper (step):

CSGO Anubis - Plateau Molotov from T upper
  • Stand in T upper, facing towards the Plateau.
  • Aim your crosshair at the edge of the building that overlooks the Plateau.
  • Take a step forward and throw the molotov as you move.
  • The molotov will land on the Plateau, denying enemy access or forcing them to move out of position.

Heaven Molotov from Wood (run jump):

CSGO Anubis - Heaven Molotov from Wood
  • Stand near the Wood, facing towards the Heaven position near the B bombsite.
  • Aim your crosshair at the top of the building that overlooks Heaven.
  • Start running and perform a jump throw as you gain momentum.
  • The molotov will land in Heaven, denying enemy access or forcing them to move out of position.

If you want to learn smokes and Molotovs on Anubis try out this CSGO grenade lineup tool.

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