
The Best Sova lineups on Breeze in 2023 - the ultimate guide!

These are the best Sova Breeze lineups and setups that everyone should know in 2023. Learn these Sova Breeze lineups and play like a pro!

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Sova Breeze lineups - Valorant mapping tool

Beat your enemies on Breeze with Gazoom's Valorant mapping tool, which gives you access to all Sova's lineups. No more guessing - we have all your Sova lineups ready to go! Or take a look below on the lineups below and discover Sova's top-rated lineups for Breeze in 2023. Either way, you'll be able to enjoy victory after victory!

Shock Bolt - A Lobby - A Site

sova breeze lineup - Shock Bolt - A Lobby - A Site

This Sova lineup begins in A Lobby and targets A Site. By positioning and angling the shock bolt correctly, Sova can damage enemies hidden in A Site without exposing himself, creating opportunities for team pushes or disrupting defuser attempts.

Recon Bolt - A Lobby - A Site

sova breeze lineup - Recon Bolt - A Lobby - A Site

This Recon Bolt lineup from A Lobby to A Site provides early intelligence. Using this lineup, Sova can reveal the position of enemies on A Site, enabling his team to strategize and execute their moves effectively.

Recon Bolt - Defender Spawn - B Elbow

sova breeze lineup - Recon Bolt - Defender Spawn - B Elbow

By shooting the recon bolt from the Defender Spawn towards B Elbow, Sova can gather critical information about enemy movement. This can particularly help to anticipate flanks or rushes through B Elbow.

Recon Bolt - B Snake - Mid Pillar

sova breeze lineup - Recon Bolt - B Snake - Mid Pillar

This lineup from B Snake to Mid Pillar allows Sova to gain information about enemy positioning around the mid area. This can help his team control the mid part of the map and prevent surprise attacks.

Recon Bolt - Defender Spawn - A Cave

sova breeze lineup - Recon Bolt - Defender Spawn - A Cave

A recon bolt shot from the Defender Spawn to A Cave provides Sova and his team with crucial knowledge about any enemies lurking or rotating through the A Cave, giving his team an edge during the defense.

Recon Bolt - Attacker Spawn - A Site

sova breeze lineup - Recon Bolt - Attacker Spawn - A Site

Shooting a recon bolt from Attacker Spawn to A Site can provide early reconnaissance, helping the attacking team know if the site is heavily defended or not, and thus adjust their attack strategy accordingly.

Recon Bolt - A Site - B Site

sova breeze lineup - Recon Bolt - A Site - B Site

This lineup from A Site to B Site enables Sova to scout across the map, providing information about enemy positions or rotations from B Site. This can provide valuable insights into the enemy's defense setup.

Recon Bolt - Mid Cannon - A Pyramids

sova breeze lineup - Recon Bolt - Mid Cannon - A Pyramids

By aiming a recon bolt from Mid Cannon to A Pyramids, Sova can reveal enemies lurking around A Pyramids. This is particularly useful for preventing potential flanks and gaining map control.

Recon Bolt - A Site - A Cave

sova breeze lineup - Recon Bolt - A Site - A Cave

This lineup provides insight into A Cave from A Site, making it easier to spot enemy rotations or lurking opponents. This can allow your team to catch enemies off guard or prepare for their push.

Recon Bolt - B Snake - B Site

sova breeze lineup - Recon Bolt - B Snake - B Site

Firing a recon bolt from B Snake into B Site helps in gathering key information about enemy presence or setup on B Site. This intelligence is critical for planning attacks or understanding the enemy's defense strategy.

Sova's ultimate Breeze lineups

If you want to learn more about Sova's Breeze lineups, try out this Valorant lineup tool.

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