The Best CSGO Train Smoke Spots and Molotovs in 2023 - the ultimate guide!

These are the CSGO train smoke spots and molotovs that everyone should know in 2023. Learn these smokes & Molotovs and play like a pro!

Have your CSGO Train lineups while playing!

We got you! Simply use our CSGO map strategy maker tool and access them with ease while being in-game! Create and share your favorite smokes with other players in the community. Prefer a more old school approach? Check out our top 10 CSGO smokes for Train in 2023 right here and leave the CTs scratching their heads and wondering if they accidentally joined the wrong team.

CSGO interactive map

Connector Smoke from T-spawn

CSGO Train - Connector Smoke from T-spawn

First up, we've got Connector from T Spawn. It's as easy as throwing a water balloon at your little brother, and it'll make pushing A a breeze. Just jump on the container and aim at the corner of the building above you. Don't overshoot it to the right or the CTs might find a gap to exploit. Pro tip: make sure you don't accidentally hit your teammate in the back of the head while throwing this smoke.

Olof smoke from Dumpster

CSGO train - Olof smoke from Dumpster

Next on the list is Olof from T Spawn. It's a medium-difficulty smoke, so watch out for any cheeky CTs trying to push you while you're busy lining up your shot. This smoke is perfect for when you're going to A site from main, as it blocks CT's vision from IV perfectly. To throw it, aim at the corner of the roof above you, and be precise or suffer the consequences.

Left Side IVY smoke from Pigeons

CSGO train - Left Side IVY smoke from Pigeons

It's an easy smoke that requires control over the alley position. Use it to push IV and capture A site, as it covers you from CT tunnels. To throw this smoke, place your crosshair at the position shown below, cross the yellow line, and throw it like a boss.

Right Side IVY smoke from Pigeons

CSGO Train - Right Side IVY smoke from Pigeons

Position yourself on the left side of the IV entrance. Aim at the intersection of the box with the ceiling lights. Simply throw the smoke. This is perfect for an eco-A rush.

Connector Smoke from Dumpster

CSGO Train - Connector Smoke from Dumpster

Get on the dumpster. Position yourself at the center of the two small boxes. Aim at the corner of the tower with the window. Throw the smoke.

Sidewalk smoke from B Halls

CSGO Train - Sidewalk smoke from B Halls

Stand in front of the grey brick wall. Align yourself with the edge of the first panel of the 4th line of the hardwood floor. Now aim at the top second pillar of the rail guard and throw the smoke. This is a great smoke to take over B site on Train.

Summit B Smoke from B Halls

CSGO Train - Summit B Smoke from B Halls

Stand on the first cardboard box. Align yourself with the black marking on the wall. Now aim in between the first and second pillars on the height of the wall.

A-site smoke from T-spawn

CSGO Train - A-site smoke from T-spawn

The T spawn -> A site smoke is great to block vision on the bomb site. Check out the video above to learn how to throw it.

Connector smoke from Upper Pop dog

CSGO Train - Connector smoke from Upper Pop dog

Now we're getting into the medium-difficulty smokes with Connector from Pop Dog. This smoke requires some practice to hit consistently, but it's worth it when you're trying to capture A site. Stand in the position shown below, aim at the bottom of the center bar of the window, and don't forget to break the glass first. You wouldn't want to miss and give the CTs a clear shot at your head, would you?

A main smoke from A-bomb site

CSGO Train smoke - A-bomb site to A main

Last but not least, we've got Main from A-Bomb Site. This smoke is so easy to align, even your grandma could do it. It's perfect for the CTs when covering A Site, so stand in the corner shown below and use the following lineup to align your crosshair.

A-main Molotov from A-bomb site (stand):

CSGO Train - A-main Molotov from A-bomb site
  • Stand on A-bomb site
  • Aim at the edge of the wall above A-main entrance
  • Throw the Molotov

Pop Dog Molotov from A-bomb site (stand):

CSGO Train - Pop Dog Molotov from A-bomb site
  • Stand on A-bomb site
  • Aim at the corner of the Pop Dog entrance wall
  • Throw the Molotov

Electric Molotov from A-main (run jump):

Train - Electric Molotov from A-main
  • Stand in A-main
  • Aim above Electric box, lining up with the edge
  • Run and jump, releasing the Molotov at the peak

Heaven Molotov from A-Main (run):

Train - Heaven Molotov from A-Main
  • Stand in A-main
  • Aim at the lower part of Heaven window
  • Run and throw the Molotov

White Molotov from B-Halls (stand):

CSGO Train - White Molotov from B-Halls
  • Stand in B-Halls
  • Aim at the corner of the White train roof
  • Throw the Molotov

Upper Pop Dog from Electric (jump):

CSGO Train - Upper Pop Dog from Electric
  • Stand near Electric box
  • Aim at the Upper Pop Dog window
  • Jump and throw the Molotov

Upper B from Headshot (stand):

Train - Upper B from Headshot
  • Stand near Headshot position
  • Aim at the edge of Upper B train roof
  • Throw the Molotov

A-bomb site right Molotov from Hell (stand):

Train - A-bomb site right Molotov from Hell
  • Stand in Hell
  • Aim at the edge of the wall near A-bomb site
  • Throw the Molotov

Connector Molotov from Hell (stand):

CSGO train - Connector Molotov from Hell
  • Stand in Hell
  • Aim at the top corner of Connector entrance
  • Throw the Molotov

Heaven Molotov from Hell (stand):

CSGO train - Heaven Molotov from Hell
  • Stand in Hell
  • Aim at the lower part of Heaven window
  • Throw the Molotov

There you have it, folks! The best CSGO Train smokes and molotov spots in 2023 that will help you dominate the competition., now go out there and show those CTs who's boss!\

If you want to learn smokes and molotovs on CSGO Train try out this CSGO grenade lineup tool.

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