
The Ultimate Master Yi Jungle Guide (Latest Patch) - Slice, Dice, and Rise in the Ranks

With this ultimate Master Yi jungle guide (latest patch), watch as you Alpha Strike your way to the top and leave enemies in the dust!

Master Yi Jungle Runes:

Master Yi jungle runes

Primary Tree (Precision):

Keystone: Lethal Tempo


Legend: Alacrity

Coup de Grace

Secondary Tree (Domination):

Eyeball Collection

Treasure Hunter

Stat Shards:

Attack Speed

Adaptive Force

Armor or Magic Resist (based on the enemy team composition)

Master Yi Summoner Spells:

Master Yi summoner spells

Standard: Ghost & Smite

Master Yi summoner spells

Against CC/High Engage Compositions: Consider Cleanse or Flash in place of Ghost.

Master Yi Full Items Guide:

Starting Item:

master yi starter items

Gustwalker Hatchling Mosstomper Seedling

First Item:

master yi first item

Blade of the Ruined King


master yi boots options

Berserker's Greaves (Alternative options: Mercury's Treads or Plated Steelcaps based on enemy team composition)

Second Item:

master yi second build

Guinsoo's Rageblade (Alternative: Navori Quickblades)

Master Yi - Full Build:

Master Yi full build

Master Yi - Ability Skill Order:

Master Yi - Ability skill order
  1. Q - Alpha Strike: Levels 1, 3, 5, 7, 9
  2. W - Meditate: Levels 4, 14, 15, 17, 18
  3. E - Wuju Style: Levels 2, 8, 10, 12, 13
  4. R - Highlander: Levels 6, 11, 16

Master Yi - General Playstyle:

Early Game: Focus on farming in the jungle. Master Yi is a scaling champion, so prioritize securing gold and experience. Look for ganks when the enemy is overextended or when you have a clear advantage.Mid Game: Continue farming but also look for skirmishes and objectives. With items like Blade of the Ruined King and Guinsoo's Rageblade, you can duel many champions.

Late Game: Stick with your team and look for opportunities to clean up fights. Your ultimate, Highlander, allows you to chase down enemies and reset on kills/assists.

Master Yi - Advice on Farming:

Use Alpha Strike (Q) to clear jungle camps quickly.

Meditate (W) can be used to reset auto-attacks and tank some damage from camps.

Team Fights as Master Yi:

Wait for major crowd control abilities to be used before engaging.

Target squishy carries or isolated targets. Use Alpha Strike to dodge key abilities.

Dragon and Baron fights as Master Yi:

Dragon: Secure vision around the dragon pit. Use Smite to secure the dragon.

Baron: Only start Baron with your team if you have a clear advantage or the enemy jungler is dead. Remember, Master Yi can melt Baron quickly with his DPS.

Master Yi - Matchups:

Bad Matchup: Kha'Zix is a significant threat due to his burst and invisibility. If he upgrades his R at level 6, it becomes challenging to 1v1 him unless you're significantly ahead. Use Meditate and Alpha Strike wisely to counter his invisibility and burst.


Yuumi: Yuumi can attach to Master Yi, providing him with heals, shields, and additional damage, making him even more formidable in fights.

This was Master Yi’s ultimate Jungle guide for patch.

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